Como ser guía de turismo.

Hola amigos de Club Penguin Rewritten,en esta guía os voy a enseñar todos los pasos que hay que hacer para obtener tu gorro y convertirte en un guía de turismo de verdad. Bueno de verdad.... En el juego claro. ;)

-Primero tenemos que ir al Centro De Ski y darle click al puesto de Tours.

Al darle click veremos que nos sale un cartel que dice "Take a tour",le damos al pingüino amarillo de la parte inferior a la izquierda y nos saldrá que tenemos que hacer un cuestionario así que solo le damos a "Take the quiz".

Bien como aquí a cada uno les sale preguntas distintas os daré las soluciones para todas las preguntas y en inglés ya que por el momento el idioma del juego es en inglés.

Which color of puffle can catch fire?
black √
In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin times?
book room
boiler room √
Coffee shop
Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the back round?
coffee shop
dance club
pizza shop
pet shop √
How does the pink puffle play?
 1) Blow bubbles
2) Skips with a skipping rope √
3) Flies around wearing a propeller cap
4) Rolls a ball around
What item is always hidden in different place in the clothing catalog every month?
the red scarf
the green running shoes
the Viking helmet √
the chef hat
How many sled racing tracks are there?
 1) 2
2) 3
3) 4 √
4) 6
Which room has a cuckoo clock?
ski lodge √
pet shop
pizza shop
How do you get a pin?
buy it in the gift shop
click on it
throw a snowball at it
walk on top of it √
Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?
book room
pet shop
lodge attic
beach √
What is the name of captain rockhoppers ship?
The swift swimmer
The voyager
The icebreaker
The Migrator √
What item is thrown out of the truck in the level 4 of bean counters?
A candlestick
A flower pot √
A brick
A teapot
What day does the newspaper come out?
Thursday √
What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing?
Mullet √
Which of these games has a shark in it?
Jetpack adventure √
Cart surfer
sled race
How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?
60 √

Después una vez hayamos contestado todas las preguntas con éxito por fin podremos ponernos nuestros gorros y ser guías de turismo. :D

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